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2F & 3F

Floor map

Zoning tailored to stages of treatment

The 2nd and 3rd floors are occupied by the EPU.

Highly effective and quality treatment and nursing care are required in the EPU, which is very much needed in the community, as nearly 40 percent of emergency patients are believed to require some sort of psychiatric involvement.
So that patients who are deemed to require intensive treatment can be discharged from hospital as soon as possible after receiving quality treatment during their short term stay (three months), a high concentration of staff are assigned to the Ward, and spaces in various sizes have been provided to enable inpatient treatment by utilizing quality facilities and allow staff such as clinical psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and psychiatric social workers as well as doctors and nurses to participate in medical care continually and regularly.
The Ward is also composed of three units according to patient conditions; protected period, recovery period and discharge period.